I say goodbye and you say hello

19 maart 2018 - Auckland, Nieuw-Zeeland

In front of me on the table stands a surprisingly good New Zealand beer. I'm surrounded by the sound of chatting people. A wall of noise, but when you don't listen closely it could also be the sound of a wild sea. I take another sip of my beer while the scent of my burger rises from the kithen behind me. Life is good even when you're dining alone. No, let me rephraise that, life is good because I'm dining alone.

My first days in Auckland have been wonderful. Really, the city where so many backpackers speak bad of welcomed me with open arms. Parks to run in, streets to stroll through, a dozen food stands, intriguing museums and green volcano islands. Add to that an open and social hostel, new friends and a smashing Saint Patricksday and I proved my point.

However the difference couldn't have been bigger. From living out of a car (no offense to Orla), with a German boy (no offense to you Darian), road tripping on a "I only plan one day ahead" base to a buzzing city with new people and friends everyday and tons of planning to do. I'll admit it have been quite a change.

Oh, by the way, there is your answer to the question while dining alone is better right now. Just a moment for me. No one to talk to. Just looking around and giving my thoughts some spare time. Although after a while they wander of. To what's coming and what has happened.

Five days ago around this time I was on the airport. I just let you go after a moment where we finally met after almost two months, but also where we had to say goodbye too soon.

Six days ago I was sleeping in Sydney, waking up to pee and, not surprisingly, spotting Darian still awake on his laptop admiring the WiFi we finally had.

Seven days ago I was entering Sydney for the first time after a crazy but amazing ten months of travelling.

And eight days ago... I don't even know where I was eight days ago.

I know where I will be in eight days though. In eight days I will be in Hahei. Away from Auckland, on the coast, together with my brother in the country that I love. Where I promised myself to come back to when I left it six years ago. On a trip that will take us along all the places we wanted to see. Making memories. With a lot of "still to make" friends and for the first time with a person who already knows me really well and with whom I can discuss my future, my plans and stuff that only he knows of.

I take the last sip of my beer. Behind me I hear a familiar voice. It's the guy from Singapore I just met. My moment alone is interrupted. We walk back to the hostel. The sun just went down and the buildings glow light red, almost pink. I forgive him. Enough time to let my thoughts wander of later on.

Life is good. And it is only going to be better in the next months.


2 Reacties

  1. Karel van de Wiel:
    19 maart 2018
    Mooi! "The Column of Kai". Smaakt naar meer.
  2. Sylvia:
    20 maart 2018
    Mooi vooruitzicht om binnenkort deze bijzondere reis met Ward te vervolgen 👍!